BUNTU Community assists individuals and organizations to leverage the trust that results from Obuntu/Ubuntu as an instrument for wealth creation. The Community has come forward to train individuals and institutions on how to build the kind of trust that a bank, business partners, manufacturers, wholesalers, insurance companies and other society stake holders, like consumers, are looking for.

We are on a mission to create trust, not only for allowing our clients to get business loans but to assist them in accessing all the resources that come with trust. With BUNTU Community, an individual can use their accumulated character and mindset change percentage-score to access clients, business opportunities, capital, secure good debt to fund business operating cycles, and secure goods and services for business operations

In partnership with family-owned businesses, education and cultural institutions, employers, development partners and the public sector, the Community develops and implements Character and Mindset Change Programs that are designed to increase our clients’ awareness of, participation in and commitment to three core values (Obuntu/Ubuntu), which are listed and explained below;

  •  Just: Permitting others to deserve the best of you.
  • Productive: Time taken to create meaningful value.
  • Orderly: Choosing the most efficient and effective means of achieving a predetermined outcome.

Participating in our Programs gives our clients a rare opportunity to acquire the kind of character and mindset that is critically important for self-management and leadership. The Community provides the knowledge, the tools and the motivation for the kind of change that enables our clients to build for themselves a reputation of being just, productive and orderly.

Over time, the Community has been able to painstakingly develop a unique pathway to reputation development that involves assisting our clients to deliberately and scientifically track, score and profile their members and or employees by using a combination of regular group accountability mechanisms, knowledge meetings and technology to produce timely assessments that are then compiled, averaged and published as Reputation Scores. It is these Scores that an individual or legal entity uses to access incentives and opportunities from the larger community.